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Consultation on commercial foods for infants and young children

We are seeking feedback on options to improve the nutritional composition, labelling and texture of commercial foods for infants and young children. We aim to better align these foods with the recommendations in the Australian and New Zealand infant and toddler dietary guidance.

  • Closed
Consultation date:

About the consultation

Food Ministers considered a paper outlining the issues with commercial foods for infants and young children in December 2023. Food Ministers have asked the Food Regulation Standing Committee (FRSC) for advice on improving this product category. FRSC is progressing this work through the Food Regulation Policy Framework, beginning with the development of options.

The options aim to improve the nutritional composition, labelling and texture of these foods to better align with Australian and New Zealand infant and toddler dietary guidance.

Food Ministers approved a Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS) in July 2024. The CRIS seeks information on:

  • issues with commercial foods for infants and young children
  • potential options to improve this product category
  • the impact of these options
  • whether there are any alternate options or implementation approaches FRSC hasn’t considered.

Have your say

Stakeholders are encouraged to read the Consultation RIS and respond to the consultation questions. You don’t need to answer all questions, and we invite a range of audiences to submit their views. 

To read the Consultation RIS and make a submission go to the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Consultation Hub.

Have your say

Key documents

Visit the consultation hub to read the impact statement and online consultation questions survey preview.

Why we are consulting

Food and nutrition play crucial roles in a child's growth and development.

Consumption of commercial foods for infants and young children has increased in recent years. It is becoming more common as parents and caregivers see these as convenient, economical, and healthy options. With the increase in popularity, the commercial food market for infants and young children has also grown.

The nutritional quality of most commercial foods for infants and young children does not support optimal growth and development for this age group. Many products are high in energy and sugars and do not provide adequate nutrients critical for early development such as iron. The texture of many infant foods does not support optimal developmental feeding behaviours. Labelling practices may be misleading and do not support parents and caregivers to make well informed choices.


The submissions to this consultation will be used to identify the preferred policy option(s) for improving commercial foods for infants and young children. The preferred policy option(s) will be presented to Food Ministers.

Related information

This consultation:


For any queries, please contact the Food Regulation Secretariat.

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