The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Implementation Subcommittee for Food Regulation (ISFR)

The ISFR is a subcommittee of the Food Regulation Standing Committee. It helps to ensure the implementation and enforcement of food standards is consistent across Australia and New Zealand.


The role of the ISFR is to develop consistent ways of implementing and enforcing food standards across:

  • Australia and New Zealand
  • the different food regulation agencies
  • imported, exported and locally produced food.

It does this as a subcommittee of the Food Regulation Standing Committee.

For more detail, view the terms of reference.


ISFR members include:

They are either heads of agencies or senior operational experts.

Dr Eva Bennet
Ms Gillian DuffyAustraliaDepartment of Health and Aged Care
Ms Tania MartinAustraliaDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
TBCNew ZealandMinistry for Primary Industries
Ms Jenny BishopNew ZealandMinistry for Primary Industries
Ms Lyndell HudsonACTHealth Directorate
Dr Craig ShadboltNSWFood Authority
Dr David CusackNSWFood Authority
Mr Stuart McLayNTDepartment of Health
Ms Tenille FortQldDepartment of Health
Mr Brian WitherspoonQldSafe Food Production
Ms Karen FerresSADepartment of Health
Mr Paul DowsettSADepartment of Primary Industries and Regions
Mr Stewart QuinnTasDepartment of Health
Ms Karen LooneTasDepartment of Natural Resources and Environment
Mr John ChaddertonVicDepartment of Health
Mr Mitchell HoutenVicDepartment of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Mr Peter GrayWADepartment of Health
Dr Nora Galwayn/aFood Standards Australia New Zealand
Ms Monica Telesnyn/aAustralian Local Government Association

How they work

The members:

  • consult with and support Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
  • discuss common ways to implement standards
  • develop agreed strategies for consistency
  • monitor the safety of the food supply
  • monitor compliance with food laws.

As part of their monitoring work, members:

  • develop surveillance plans to identify and prioritise survey activities
  • make their completed food survey reports available on the FSANZ website.

They have the authority to make and implement decisions about compliance and enforcement issues in their jurisdiction.

View the completed ISFR food surveys and the ISFR food survey plan on the FSANZ website.


The ISFR meets as needed, usually 2 or 3 times each year.

The next ISFR meeting will be held on 3 and 4 December 2024.

Meeting outcomes

The ISFR releases meeting outcomes after each meeting.

Key documents

The ISFR develops guidance, fact sheets and other resources as part of its work.

Compliance, monitoring and enforcement guidance

This collection contains guidance to assist food regulation agencies with consistent compliance, monitoring and enforcement actions. The Implementation Subcommittee for Food Regulation (ISFR) developed this guidance.


If you have any queries, please contact the Food Regulation Secretariat.

Date last updated: