Consultation on the labelling of sugars on packaged foods and drinks

We are seeking feedback on policy options for the labelling of sugars on packaged foods and drinks. Consultation is open from 11 July 2018 to 28 September 2018.

  • Closed
Consultation date:

About the consultation

We are looking at how labelling can provide information about sugars to consumers.

We are seeking your views on 7 proposed policy options:

  1. Status quo.
  2. Education on how to read and interpret labelling information about sugars.
  3. Change the statement of ingredients to overtly identify sugars-based ingredients.
  4. Quantify added sugars in the nutrition information panel.
  5. Advisory labels for foods high in added sugar.
  6. Pictorial display of the amount of sugars or added sugars in a serving of food, or both.
  7. A digital link on the label to web-based information about added sugar content.

To find out more about the options, view the consultation document below.

This consultation is open to everyone.

Key documents

Why we are consulting

On 24 November 2017, the food ministers:

We (the Food Regulation Standing Committee) coordinate policy advice to ministers. Your input will help us to provide advice on policy options to address this issue.


We will analyse the submissions to help us develop a policy paper.

Update on submissions

We received over 160 submissions from stakeholders, including individuals, industry, public health, government and academic groups. The submissions informed our policy paper on labelling of sugars on packaged foods and drinks.

August 2019 update

On 16 August 2019, the food ministers noted the policy paper and agreed:

  • to request Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) review nutrition labelling for added sugars
  • that option 4 best met the desired outcome
  • that option 6 warrants more consideration, along with other options, pending the response to the Health Star Ratings five-year review
  • that any label changes should be accompanied by education to help consumers understand sugar labelling and make healthy choices.

Related information

This consultation supports the:


For any queries, please contact the Food Regulation Secretariat.

Date last updated: