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81 results
Food Ministers' Meeting – Operating procedures
This document sets out operating procedures for the Food Ministers’ Meeting, Food Regulation Standing Committee (FRSC) and the Food Regulation Secretariat. -
Principles and protocols for the development of food regulation policy guidelines
This document outlines the principles behind the Food Regulation Policy Framework and explains the steps in the process. -
Fermented beverages – Outcomes paper
This report covers the outcomes of a roundtable about fermented beverages on 31 May 2019. -
Labelling of sugars on packaged foods and drinks – Policy paper
This paper provides policy options for labelling sugars on packaged foods and drinks for sale in Australia and New Zealand. The Food Regulation Standing Committee prepared this policy paper at the request of the food ministers. -
Labelling of sugars on packaged foods and drinks – resources collection
This collection contains documents that informed work on sugar labelling. It includes documents from the 2018 public consultation on the labelling of sugars on packaged foods and drinks. -
Fermented beverages – Issues paper
This report outlines the issues of alcohol content and labelling of fermented beverages for a roundtable held on 31 May 2019. -
Food Regulation Policy Framework
This framework sets out the process for identifying and assessing a potential food regulatory issue and deciding the appropriate policy response. -
Decision regulation impact statement for pregnancy warning labels on packaged alcoholic beverages
This document recommends options for pregnancy warning labels on packaged alcoholic beverages. -
Sports Supplements Roundtable – Report on discussions and next steps
This report summarises the discussion and next steps from the Sports Supplements Roundtable in August 2018. -
Policy guideline on nutrition, health and related claims
This policy guideline provides guidance on nutrition, health and related claims for food. -
Australia’s foodborne illness reduction strategy 2018–2021+
This strategy aims to reduce foodborne illness in Australia, particularly from Campylobacter and Salmonella. It focuses on food safety culture, sector-based initiatives, consumer and industry information, research, monitoring and surveillance, and national engagement. -
Australia’s Foodborne Illness Reduction Strategy 2018–2021+ consultation summary
This report is a summary of the key issues raised during consultation in 2018 about Australia’s foodborne illness reduction strategy. -
Review of fast-food menu-labelling schemes – Consultation summary report
This report reviews the effectiveness of fast-food menu-labelling schemes in Australia in May 2018. -
Home Jurisdiction Rule
This document explains the Home Jurisdiction Rule (HJR). The rule means food regulators in the state or territory where a food business is based respond to potential breaches of food laws. -
Principles for the inspection of food businesses
This document provides authorised officers, including local government environmental health officers, with principles to guide their inspection of food businesses. -
Review of fast-food menu-labelling schemes – Consultation paper
This paper summarises the planned review of the effectiveness of fast-food menu-labelling schemes in Australia. -
Getting your claims right
This document provides advice on how to comply with the Nutrition, Health and Related Claims Standard of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. -
Australia’s Foodborne Illness Reduction Strategy 2018–2021+ consultation document
This document helped stakeholders to provide consultation feedback on a national strategy to reduce foodborne illness. It includes relevant background, current activities and ideas for new activities. -
Policy context relating to sugars in Australia and New Zealand
This paper provides a summary of issues and policies relating to sugars in Australia and New Zealand. It covers topics such as sugar intake, related health issues, current labelling practices, consumer research and sugar taxes. -
Australia and New Zealand food regulation compliance, monitoring and enforcement strategy
This strategy helps food regulators to maintain a strong, robust and agile food regulation system. It outlines the approaches used by food regulators to facilitate compliance with the requirements of food regulation in Australia and
New Zealand. -
Undeclared allergen incident and investigation protocol
This protocol provides procedures for investigating and reporting complaints of undeclared food allergens. It contains guidance and checklists for retail/food service, manufacturing and food import businesses. -
Overarching strategic statement for the food regulatory system
This document explains how the Australian and New Zealand food regulatory system works. -
Stakeholder engagement strategy for the food regulation system
This engagement strategy aims to create a shared understanding among stakeholders about how to effectively engage about food regulation issues. -
Compliance and enforcement model for mandatory folic acid fortification
This document outlines the compliance and enforcement model for mandatory folic acid fortification. This model is now used for all future mandatory fortification standards. -
Altering date marks on foods
This guideline helps ensure consistency among regulators when considering requests to alter date marks on food labels.