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81 results
Policy guideline on the labelling of food produced using new technologies
This policy guideline provides guidance on labelling food produced using new technologies. It covers only foods that need a pre-market safety assessment because they use a new technology.
Policy guideline on the addition of caffeine to foods
This policy guideline provides guidance on the expectations of food ministers for regulating caffeine in the food supply. -
Through-chain investigation guidelines for egg-associated outbreaks
This document provides guidance on carrying out investigations into foodborne illness caused by contaminated eggs at retail and egg primary production businesses. -
Policy guideline on food safety management for the retail and food service sectors
This policy guideline provides a framework for food safety management in Australia in retail and food service. -
Principles for introducing point-of-sale nutrition information at standard food outlets
This document helps states and territories introduce nutrition information at standard food outlets, if desired. -
Integrated model for standards development and consistent implementation of primary production and processing standards
The aim of this model is to promote greater confidence in the standard development and adoption process. It clarifies the process for industry and government and the assistance that is available to all in the adoption of standards. -
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of New Zealand Concerning a Joint Food Standards System
This agreement committed the governments of Australia and New Zealand to joint food standards. This version came into effect on 6 July 2010. It includes updates to the agreement since it was first signed in 1995. -
Food Regulation Agreement (FRA)
This agreement between the Australian Government and the state and territory governments takes a national approach to food regulation in Australia. It commits the states and territories to base their food laws on the Model Food Provisions and align their food laws with the Food Standards Code. -
National compliance and monitoring strategy of genetically modified foods
This strategy provides a framework for effective monitoring and surveillance of genetically modified (GM) foods. -
National regulatory food safety auditor guideline
This guideline helps food regulators carry out the National food safety audit policy. -
Policy statement on front-of-pack labelling
This policy statement covers labelling on the front of packaged foods. -
Policy guideline on intent of Part 2.9 of the Food Standards Code – Special purpose foods
This policy guideline provides guidance and clarity on the intent of Part 2.9 – Special purpose foods of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Part 2.9 prescribes requirements for foods for physiologically vulnerable people and groups. -
Policy guideline for the fortification of foods with vitamins and minerals
This policy guideline provides guidance on developing permissions for adding vitamins and minerals to food. It includes a statement by the food ministers clarifying the original intent of the policy guideline. -
Risk profiling framework – example classifications (extracts)
This report presents the classifications of 32 business types using the national risk profiling framework for food safety. -
Policy guideline on the addition of substances other than vitamins and minerals
This policy guideline provides guidance on the addition of substances other than vitamins and minerals to food. These substances are intentionally added and are not intended to be eaten as a food on their own. -
Policy statement on the public health role of FSANZ
This policy statement clarifies how public health and safety should be interpreted by Food Standards Australia New Zealand -
Business Sector Food Safety Risk Priority Classification Framework
This framework classifies businesses according to their food safety risk profile. -
Policy guideline on the regulation of residues of agricultural and veterinary chemicals in food
This policy guideline was provided to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to consider alternative ways to regulate agricultural and veterinary chemical residues in food. -
National food safety audit policy
This document covers the national regulatory policy for the approval and management of food safety auditors and food safety audits. -
Policy guideline on primary production and processing standards
This policy guideline provides guidance on primary production and processing standards. -
Policy guideline on novel foods
This policy guideline provides guidance on novel foods. Novel foods are not traditional to Australia and New Zealand and have not been evaluated for safety. -
Food standards review requests and rejections
This collection includes notifications of requests by the Food Ministers' Meeting for Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to review a draft food standard or draft variation to a food standard. It also includes rejections of draft standards or variations. -
Ministerial policy guidelines
This collection contains ministerial policy guidelines and statements. Policy guidelines developed by the Food Ministers’ Meeting are taken into consideration by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) when developing or reviewing food standards. -
Fermented beverages roundtable resources
This collection contains publications on alcohol content and labelling of fermented beverages for and after a roundtable held on 31 May 2019. -
Compliance, monitoring and enforcement guidance
This collection contains guidance to assist food regulation agencies with consistent compliance, monitoring and enforcement actions. The Implementation Subcommittee for Food Regulation (ISFR) developed this guidance.